Prior to indicate how to clean cache, it is important to know how a GNU / Linux uses memory circuits:
Physical Memory: RAM on your computer.
In use: Memory used by currently running processes.
In buffer: that stores data is pending to be written on the hard disk.
Caching: Save the information generated or required by the latest applications that were running for if they are re-occupied or required in the short term.
Free: unused memory that can be used by new processes or any process that requires it.
Swap: swapping, physical memory is busy on the computer RAM .
With the objective of how it is being used RAM of our team, we can use the free command.
1: For this open a terminal write the following:
root @ debian: ~ # free-m
root @ debian: ~ # free-m

example of how it works: Memory computer's RAM.
We charge 2 applications first occupies about 200mb 100mb and the second one in GNU / Linux system stops stored in the cache memory load applications the first time, as we see it, because the first time we open a program, their workload is very slow unlike the second time that it takes too long less and that the program is in the cache memory.
The cache is released alone but if we clean as we have many programs loaded at once and do not need them there the following commands denuevo.
0: No free nada:
root @ debian: ~ # echo0> / proc / sys / vm / drop_caches
1: Unleash pagecache:
root @ debian: ~ # echo1> / proc / sys / vm / drop_caches
2: Free