- How should I introduce?
- Here the journalist is you.
- How would you like to introduce you?
- depends. When I write as a writer, when blogging and blogger, and I write screenplays as a screenwriter. But I'm not anything like that, I'm just an observer.
- In short tagline that covers everything ...
- If I do not like labels but to generalize is a vice , so let us addicts.
- Sos "or you were addicted to something?
- I do not believe people who claim to be addicted to something special. The addict is addicted to being addicted. What if there were no alcohol? You'd have to alcoholics with another addiction. What if the game did not exist? The players would have another problem.
- Do you really think that the addiction is not something, but rather because of something?
- I have no doubt.
- Good point. But I answered if you're addicted to something or not ...
- That does not change anything. We're here to talk about what I do, not what I make, game or aspire. But if you need to respond to it. I have had addictions, long ago.
- disappeared "?
- is willpower. People seeks to victimize. Do you know how many people are really sick? And within that sick people are a percentage of bums who want to sneak to avoid being judged.
- As in the government.
- Did you say to the lazy?
- Did you see many?
- I see that you are the ABC of journalism, answer all with a question, haha.
- What do you think of journalism today?
- Here we go again with another question ... I think that gives me a terrible pain. Very few people respect the environment, I would say no more than five.
- Why?
- Because you're a journalist famous, and here these, saying your truths from a pseudonym. If journalists they had eggs and no pockets, we would all much better. As soon as I found your site is published everywhere. I knew there was someone capable behind it. But when I heard you're a journalist known distresses me, I realized that no options.
- And for the people? What options you can do to people?
- None. Do you have you dog?
- No. Why?
- If you have no other dog I'll explain. There is an advertisement for dog food that plays Nicole Neumann. It is a terrible food brand, and says "I want so I give them." While cuddling a dog who does not know how to escape. Balls! Watch the dogs of the pickers who follow the rain. What the hell are they?
- What does that have to do with people?
- has to do too much. That phrase, "I want so I give them is a true reflection of our country. We have a president that is only glorified loved by giving it to people. I do not love. But not because it gave me nothing, but it need not fight for anything. Do you understand? If people were self-sufficient this government does not exist.
- But everywhere there is a government. Everywhere there is poverty.
- course. But in some places less than others. Look what I tell you. This food, along with the analogy, a food Beretta. That the dog gives you diarrhea. Then as the digestion is rapid, re hungry to play. And going back and eat the food that is bad. That's a vicious circle, and this is our country. I give you what you need, but not let you progress.
- do you have left will not ever progress?
- The times I edited texts me I went to hell. It makes me very ashamed of what is happening. Look at Little Corporal, a guy who has two neurons planted in a chair in which political debate as if Marx. Look into Florencia Peña, the court was already rolling and have a budget for two documentaries. Let's be honest, none of that environment has the ability to habalr anything. Cabito lives to ask women as having the tits, Peña until two months ago was naked in magazines. And that salary is a salary paid by taxpayers. So if you want both to the country, get out and not steal more. With talks Berret coffee does not fix anything, why not donate the money they charge scoops per month and ready?
- 're basically saying that journalists are purchased.
- But please. Do you still have questions?. Look what awaits you in 2011. 40 channels of the ruling, the only air that is left is channel 13, all others were purchased. And even the sportswriters are purchased. I watch the Tigre and suddenly the guy who tells says: "Thanks to Cristina, who gives us total freedom of the press, I think that goal was offside." Stop fooling around. What the monopoly that wanted to ban?
- Think you no one dares to say anything?
- You are the answer. Being a famous journalist you write these things for the low and hidden respóndemelo you.
- Maybe. But also understanding that people need to live on something
- Yeah, right. As Tognetti, who gave a shit note and a woman's life. First was proud and shown on all channels as the king of information, later gave him a trial and stole Pergolini 1,000,000 pesos. Now I buy the government. It is true that one has to live on something, but I experienced something that tomorrow your children will be proud.
- What do you think will happen when a change of government?
- depends on who you take. If a guy garca, exploited these idiots with money to their advantage. And if an honest opinion and punishment will do all this leg of loafers.
- Sos "anti Kirchner?
- Not at all. I lie anti, anti exploitation, anti jets. That I am.
- What projects are driving this year?
- The idea is to leave my second book. But before that surely will premiere a play. We are defining the place, there are some offers. Well, I am also working hard with the 3 television series that have yielded to Flor Latina.
- looks like a busy year.
- Yes, I will also write Ohlala and other media. But hey, that's what I chose. I am proud to know that I am who I wanted to be, and not a consequence of what could not. I die happy.
- What you lack in life?
- Uf that question. Tomorrow I want a family. Something very cheesy. But I have an unstoppable desire to step out of the city forever. I find it increasingly difficult to live here. And with this I do not make me the thinker of the immense, but I feel comfortable in a city as populated. Too much humanity.
- Do you think that peace is in solitude?
- No, no. I have no peace. I nodded my head I have no peace ever. But I am aware that there are things that make me better than others.
- If you could go back what would you change?
- Mira. The say you never made a mistake is a fucking liar. I'm wrong a lot, a lot will say. But over time I learned that if I think back in the same way. So I have no desire to go back. I have the desire not to make mistakes anymore.
- not look for as you write a person's life easy.
- I do not know, I do not go crying like the tango and less fatal in an interview. Each has its complications in their own way. I lost many things, but I understand that's life. As my arm, "I was born to lose, live to win."
- And all that you lost you would like to recover?
- The other day I listened to Iorio that said something like I want to retrieve something that was lost is losing twice. Many times I wanted to retrieve things and I was wrong. So I learned that what is because it has about one or you want to be with you. What is not is because it has nothing to do with us.
- Iorio Do you like?
- I do not like any person to 100%. But I agree in 80% of the things he says. If I read on Twitter about him putting alive and laughing with a partner who also enjoys his thoughts.
- Augustine, thanks for the note, but being 31 December. Happy New Year.
- Well, no problem, thanks to you. The same desire and longing that one day you say what you think by name.