For those who did not know, Federico Luppi is a person who abandoned his own son, and not happy with the action of a person of "Great Spirit" after traumatize your child for life , started a monthly pass characteristic of a person who has income of a bricklayer. But that crazy! That this new left activist took some time interesting lot of money in Dollars to be the face of U.S. multinationals more capitalist world. That rare thing, right?. Someone with such spirit and knowledge, certainly was aware of all this, right?.
Another of the great things about Luppi, it always bank the country, so when burned potatoes was exiled in Spain and left with their tails between their legs no matter who I left behind.
Well, actually we all know who he left behind: A handful of battered women, and that this man of high ethics for thirty years was devoted to women and be hit victim of alcoholism.
Well, we're acostumbrados, en este circo romano opinan todos, y muchos se olvidan de todo lo que se sabe.
Salud Federico, no brindes demasiado a ver si te emborrachas y terminas pegandole a las mujeres nuevamente.
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