for all those who follow our blog from outside Spain, is a presenter and comedian successfully leading a "late show" from Barcelona curiously named "Buenafuente" for the English chain "The Sixth ", the style of David Letterman, Jay Leno or Conan O'Brien.
midnight began his program with a monologue that addresses current issues in sarcastic humor and continues with interviews, musical performances and sketches of all kinds. After greeting the public direct presence in implementing the program, outlines the contents of the show and welcomes characters guests who will speak later, which in turn waiting for the time of the interview from the "clubhouse guests"

Well, the good Andreu not want your guests from getting bored while waiting, so I has placed a pinball for a relaxing items can be lowered until the turn of the interview. This is exactly a model pinball Corvette, A building for Bally George Gomez 1994. Probably also have chosen a pinball as a decoration for the enormous aesthetic value they provide in creating a stunning scenery for television.

The curious thing is if you look a little, seems to be to be making some extra pocket money to the subject of pinball thank your guests, as can be seen on the side of the machine that is still attached documentation, thing would not happen if it were his own property, transferred or leased by an individual or is taken down administratively. Mmmmmmmm ..... not to think about .....
Anyway, thanks for putting a pinball Andreu in each house of those who follow your wonderful program. Although I do not worry. I already I have three and if I put one more would have to get the TV to the garden.
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